Validation Evidence
Validation: Giving you confidence in your selection and development processes
What is a validation study?
A validation study compares a candidate’s test performance at selection with their subsequent job or training performance, i.e. it will show you if the tests used during selection predict later job or training performance on the job. This is beneficial as it will show you which assessment tools best predict job performance. It will also give you an indication of whether the tests you’re using at selection are assessing what you want them to assess.
Undertaking a validation study provides some key benefits
Here at OPC Assessment, we are committed to constantly updating the research behind many of our off-the-shelf tests and exercises to ensure they add value to your organisations’ needs in terms of recruitment and/or development. We therefore have a wealth of research into the validity of our tests and exercises.
We are also able to carry out bespoke validation studies for your organisation to provide you with the evidence that you are using the right psychometric tools for your specific recruitment and/or development processes. Validation will also help you to refine your selection processes by removing or replacing assessment tools that do not add value to the selection decision. This refinement can in turn help improve job and/or training performance.
Some of OPC Assessment’s validation studies
OPC Assessment have conducted numerous validation studies for clients to help them review their selection processes and to determine if the tools they are using at selection are indeed predicting performance in training or on the job.
Rules Acquisition and Aptitude Test (RAAT) Predicts training and job performance in Australian train drivers |
An Australian rail company used OPC Assessment’s RAAT to help them select and recruit train drivers. The validation study conducted revealed that RAAT scores at selection predicted trainee train driver competence ratings and driver competence performance. This shows that the RAAT predicts both training and job performance in train drivers. |
Safe Concentration and Attention Test (SCAAT) Predicts training performance in UK trainee tram drivers |
A UK tram company used OPC Assessment’s SCAAT to help select and recruit tram drivers. The validation study conducted by the OPC revealed that those trainee tram drivers who scored higher on parts 2 and 3 of the SCAAT at selection obtained higher ratings from their trainers on their overall training performance. This shows that the SCAAT predicts training performance in tram drivers. |
Trainability for Safety Test (TRFS) Predicts job performance in a customer service role |
A UK rail company used OPC Assessment’s TRFS to help select and recruit for a customer service role. The validation study conducted revealed that those customer service personnel who scored highly on the TRFS at selection received higher manager ratings specifically on their level of judgment and customer focus skills once in the role. This demonstrates that the TRFS predicts key characteristics required to perform well in customer service personnel. |
Get a free copy of OPC Assessment’s validation document
All our validation studies (including the ones cited above) have been collated into one easy-to-use document meaning you can quickly and easily source the information you require in relation to our tests and exercises. If you would like to request a copy of our validation document, then please contact us.
We can undertake a bespoke validation study for your organisation
If you are currently using one of OPC Assessment’s tools and are able to provide test data and job and/or training performance data, then we can provide you with a complementary validation analysis. In return, all we ask is for your permission to publish an anonymised version of your validation study for other clients to use.
If you are using another test provider’s psychometric tools and are interested in conducting a validation study then we can undertake the validation for you at an agreed fee.
Please contact OPC Assessment for further information on how we can assist you with a validation study.